We continue to grow

We continue to grow

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In mid-July, our export team at Jacob Jürgensen Papier und Zellstoff received support in the overseas business. Martin Bredemeier-Prang has over 40 years of experience in the paper industry: He successfully completed his apprenticeship at Conrad Jacobson GmbH and continued working for them. After three decades with Conrad Jacobson, he worked for two well-known paper trading companies in northern Germany. In his career, he has always been responsible for overseas business and thus he gained a great expertise.

And we warmly welcome to the team our two new trainees Mr. Lasse Tiedemann and Mr. Justin Ghomi-Foroushani. Both started their 2.5-year apprenticeship with Jacob Jürgensen to become a merchant in wholesale and foreign trade management. We wish Mr. Tiedemann and Mr. Ghomi-Foroushani a successful start into their working life!

We are happy to welcome the three gentlemen and wish them the best of luck and success.