Our employees are our most valuable assets. The atmosphere of joy radiated by our close-knit team means Monday morning is not a morning to be feared.
We have a lot of trust and faith in our employees, the same trust our customers and suppliers have in us. We hire professionals who know about wood, paper, trade and finances or who are simply great people and the perfect complement to our team.
We work on teams who assume responsibility for their actions and have the freedom to make decisions. Short communication channels and simple command structures guarantee that no one is left alone, especially during the most challenging tasks and situations.
Our office in Hamburg is located in the city district Uhlenhorst, right on the Osterbek Canal, right around the corner from the shopping and dining street Mühlenkamp as well as the hiking trail around Alster Lake. Thanks to these great surroundings, we can use our flexible lunch breaks to do more than just grab a quick bite, but can also do some shopping or go for an extended walk along the Alster.
We value our employees and ensure that the fun at work does not come up short. We offer competitive and merit-based salaries, good opportunities for skill development as well as a friendly and pleasant working environment.
We have been successfully training our next generation of employees for decades. Every year we look for young and motivated applicants keen to obtain an apprenticeship in foreign trade.
From the very first day, our trainees are fully integrated into the various teams through assignments of small areas of responsibility. They do not just look over their colleagues’ shoulders; all vocational trainees are full-fledged members of their teams and contribute to the work processes.
We value people with a positive and cosmopolitan attitude who complement our colorful and international team.
We look forward to the fresh and new ideas that our trainees bring to Jacob Jürgensen. We share all our experience and knowledge with our trainees.
The result is excellent training that provides a solid basis opening the door to a wide range of choices in pursuing careers at Jacob Jürgensen.
Timeframe for vocational training position:
2 to 3 years (depending on prior level of school education)
Application requirements:
Secondary school diploma (university qualifications or vocational diploma) or intermediate school-leaving certificate (10th grade) with good results. Most important skills: mathematics, German and English as well as communications and teamwork.
Please send your complete application, including introductory letter, CV with current photo, latest certificates/degrees, certifications of special qualifications (computer skills, languages spoken, stays/travel abroad, other courses/classes, etc.). Please send applications per email or by regular mail.
Work and Training
Antonia Spallek – Bewerbung
Working at JJ
Antonia Spallek
Tel: +49 40 22705-144
Cornelia Breutling – Ausbildung
Training at JJ
Cornelia Breutling
Tel: +49 40 22705-0